Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's crazy how when you ask God for the simplest things, He shows you exactly why you should have faith! Even though unanswered prayers could be viewed as God ignoring you....look at it this way instead--By him not giving you an answer, He is merely telling you the timing is wrong or to show Him you have faith in Him besides just when you want something. It's amazing...I count my blessings every day because I am so blessed to be able to do what I love on a daily basis, but most importantly, I know that He will bring to my life what I deserve and take away from my life what does not deserve to be in it....So when you lose friends, boyfriends, girlfriends--don't be hurt or disappointed...try to see the bigger picture! God is removing from your life people that are emotionally draining and He is waiting to add people to your life that are worthy of being there. You just have to make the space to help Him. I hope this helped some of you...I've been going through some separations of my own with some people in my life...and all I can say now is "I have faith that they will end up where they are supposed to, as will I"


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